
Hi everyone,

my name is Deb and way back in 2011 I started making handmade jewelry. It was born a bit as a game, a way to pass the time during a difficult period in my life. I never thought I'd come so far, reach so many milestones and connect with people from all over the world.

I want to thank everyone for their constant support over the years. My Etsy shop, opened in 2013, has more than 14,000 sales and I really don't know how to thank you for believing in me and encouraging me with your comments and reviews to do better and better. Now is the time to move on and start a new adventure here, on my website, where I hope many of you will follow me.

My sources of inspiration have always been the precious and magical memories of my childhood and adolescence. From cartoons to TV series, through movies, books, anime and manga, and who knows what else in the future. Because growing up doesn't mean forgetting the child we were, or having to feel embarrassed about the things we loved and still love. My creations are born for this purpose: to share those magical sensations with all of you.

Some may ask, "What does Claim Yourself mean?" I chose this name for my brand a long time ago with the meaning of “Claim / Claim yourself” as a personal motto to be free to express myself and encourage others to do the same.

At the beginning I was judged crazy to create such "childish" jewels, they said I risked falling victim to the Peter Pan syndrome and getting lost in nostalgia. But I persevered and continued to follow my heart and my passions. That's why I chose this name. Because we can be anything we want, not just one. We are a kaleidoscope, a rainbow, not a single monotonous color.

Don't be afraid to be yourself, don't be ashamed but be proud of the things you are passionate about and make you happy. Yesterday I was a princess, today I'm a warrior, tomorrow I'll be a vampire, and the day after that? Who knows? The choice is ours alone and no one else's.

I only create jewels that I love firsthand, which is why in my shop you won't find hundreds of items but a series of selective collections inspired by what I love most and what inspired me. It is a continuous work in progress, there are still many projects to be implemented but step by step we get bigger.

Each design took months, if not years, of work to reach my very high standards of perfection. I work hard every day in the continuous search for materials, techniques and ideas, putting my whole soul into transmitting a little of that magic that we all deserve in our lives.

I hope you like my creations and again a heartfelt thank you.

- Deb

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